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Pablo Neruda

Isla Negra House

Isla Negra House

It is a fishing village, located South of "El Quisco" at 130 kilometres Southwest of Valparaíso. It has an Hotel and a beautiful beach that is not recommended for bathing. "Isla Negra" was known as the residence of the Chilean poet Pablo Neruda, who lived here from 1939 until his death in 1973.

Nowadays this house with a unique architecture designed by he poet is The Museum - House of Neruda, administrated by the Pablo Neruda's Foundation. The house is maintained as when the poet was living here. Everything is surprising but the main attractions are the "mascarones de proa", masks from west, Africa and Easter Island and the shell collection.

The Museum is opened from:



Ticket Price

Tuesday to Sunday

(General) 10:00 a 18:00 hrs.


$3.500 (English Tour)

Tuesday to Saturday

(Summer) 10:00 a 20:00 hrs.


(Summer) 10:00 a 14:00 hrs.

(Summer) 15:00 a 20:00 hrs.


There are three beaches at Isla Negra: "Las Conchitas", "Pablo Neruda" and "Las Agatas". They are not good for bathing, but beautiful for a walk and relax.

Isla Negra House

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Ode with a Lament

Oh girl among the roses, oh crush

Of doves, oh fortress of fishes and rosebushes,

your soul is a bottle filled with

thirsty salt

and your skin, a bell filled with


In: Residence on Earth

(Translated by Donald D. Walsh)

See Photo Gallery
Fish-shaped bottles ► Fish-shaped bottles.
Living with Masks ► Living with Masks.

Address: María Luisa Santander #537. Santiago, Chile - Phone: (56-2) 894 72 98 - Mail: