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The Elevators

They make easier your way up to the hills. On 1877 the project that allowed the construction of the first elevators was approved by Isidoro Peiroloux. In 1922 the Mechanic Elevators Company of Valparaíso was founded, by Liborio Brieba. Thirty elevators were constructed, but actually there are only fifteen working.

Florida Elevator

Espíritu Santo Elevator

This elevator is situated in "Florida" Hill, at the end of "Carrera" or Buenos Aires Street and was built in 1906.

The top is near to "Seneca", "Prefecto Lazo", "Mena" or "Ferrari" Streets, and from there you can go to "La Sebastiana" Neruda´s House.

Reina Victoria Elevator

The station at the bottom is located in "Concepcion" Hill, at "Aníbal Pinto" Square. The top is in the "Dimalow" Promenade, there is a small Belvedere that joins the elevator with "Almirante Montt" Street. Here tourist can find lovely "cafés" and good places to eat. It was built in 1902.

The elevator was named after the Queen Victoria of England, who died one year before the elevator was inaugurated. Many people from the British Colony live in the neiborhood.




Concepción Elevator

Concepción Elevator

It was the first elevator in the city, it has two coaches and carries up to seven passengers. Access is by "Prat", "Cochrane" and a narrow Street called "Elías", it is located between two old and big buildings, in front of the "Turri" Tower Clock.

It was inaugurated in 1883 with the first coaches made of wood.

El Peral Elevator

Inaugurated in 1902 "El Peral" Elevator can carry ten passengers.

Access is by the Justice Square, behind "Sotomayor" Square. The station at the top is in "Paseo Yugoslavo". El Peral together with Queen Victoria and "Concepción" Elevators are important for their historic value.

Cordillera Elevator

Known as "Serrano" Elevator, because the station at the bottom is in Serrano comercial Street.

The top station is near "Eleuterio Ramírez" Square, from where you can go to the "Lord Cochrane" Museum.

It was built in 1887 being the second elevator in the city. The coach can carry fifteen passengers.

Artillery Elevator

Artillery Elevator

Known as "21 de Mayo", because the station at the top is in "Paseo 21 de Mayo".

The "Artillería" Elevator is very visited by tourist for its magnificent view.

You can accede by Wheelwright or "Aduana" Square, at the end of "Errázurriz" Avenue.








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Vista Ascensor El Peral ► Vista Ascensor El Peral.

The Missing Elevators

Nowadays, many elevators are not working, for different reasons: fires, crumbling, earthquakes and the big amount of public buses in the city, this the reason of the decreasing use of many elevators.

Some of the elevators which are not working are: "Ramaditas", "Las Delicias", "Las Perdices", "Panteón", "Esmeralda", "Santo Domingo", "Merced", "La Cruz", etc.

Ascensores Valparaíso ► Ascensores Valparaíso.

Address: María Luisa Santander #537. Santiago, Chile - Phone: (56-2) 894 72 98 - Mail: