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Open Sky Museum

Open Sky Museum

An innovative initiative result of the work between the City Council and the Catholic University of Valparaíso. It is a street museum, where everybody can see art.

Inaugurated in 1992 It shows the work of different artists that paint the walls of traditional houses at "Bellavista" Hill.

These paintings were done by art students of the Catholic University of Valparaíso. Original sketches from famous painters like Roser Bru, Gracia Barros, Matilde Pérez, Roberto Matta, Nemesio Antúnez, Augusto Barcia, José Balmes, Mario Toral, etc.

In the city there are many art galleries, cultural centres and exhibition rooms, some of them are:

Municipal Gallery of Art "Valparaíso"

Located in 1550 "Condell" Street, inside Lyon Palace, at the basement.

It is open between: (The admission is free)



Tuesdays to Sundays

10:00 a 19:00 hrs.

Cultural Centre Ex- Jail

Cultural Centre Ex - Jail

Located at the ex-jail of Valparaíso.

It is a cultural and art centre. There are puppets, circus activities, night recitals, etc.

It is a nice place to have fun and entertainment.

There are other places where you can have rotary exhibitions for example: Exhibition Room at the National Congress Hall in "Pedro Montt" Avenue s/n.

Room "El Farol" at the University of Valparaíso in 1113 "Blanco" Street, shows artistic exhibitions.

"El Café Arte Mirador" located in "Paseo 21 de Mayo", where you can eat and appreciate art. Open from Mondays to Sundays between 14:00 - 23:00 hours.

Orgánica Exhibitors situated in 664 "Abtao" Street, with an exhibition of Valparaíso´s painters and also crafts of different Chilean aborigines.

Art Room Wenteche located in 523 "Templeman" Street, in "Concepción" Hill. Here you can buy paintings, silver, wool and leather crafts.

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Open Sky Museum ► Open Sky Museum.
Gallery of Art "Valparaíso" ► Gallery of Art "Valparaíso".
Cultural Centre Ex - Jail ► Cultural Centre Ex - Jail.
Building Detail ► Building Detail.

Address: María Luisa Santander #537. Santiago, Chile - Phone: (56-2) 894 72 98 - Mail: