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Natural History Museum of Valparaíso

Natural History Museum of Valparaíso

Located in 1546 "Condell" Street, inside the old Lyon Palace. Founded by Eduardo de la Barra in 1878, it is part of the DIBAM (Direction of Libraries, Files and Museums) from 1929. Declared National Monument in 1979 for its architectonic value.

It has 110.000 pieces and four different collections.



It is open between:



Tuesdays to Saturdays

10:00 - 13:00 hrs.

14:00 - 18:00 hrs.

Sundays and Holidays

10:00 - 14:00 hrs.

Municipal Museum of Arts

Located in "Paseo Yugoslavo", inside the old "Baburizza" Palace. Was inaugurated on July 8th 1971.

It has collections of Chilean painters like: Camilo Mori, Pedro Lira and Juan Francisco González as well as European painters like Rousseau and Boudin.

Naval and Maritime Museum

Located in "Paseo 21 de Mayo". Here it is possible to find relics and testimonies of the evolution of the Chilean Navy from 1818 until 1880.

It is open between:



Tuesdays to Sundays

10:00 - 17:30 hrs.

Lukas's House Museum and Belvedere

Located in 448 "Paseo Gervasoni". In honour to Renzo Pecchenino "Lukas", who was a draftsman that reflected Valparaíso's inhabitants identity and customs.

It is open between:



Tuesdays to Sundays

10:30 - 14:00 hrs.

15:00 - 18:00 hrs.

Museum of the Sea Lord Thomas Cochrane

Situatedo in 195 "Merlet" Street in "Cordillera" Hill. The old house was built at the edge of the cliff and has a beautiful view. It has pieces related with the navy.

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National Dance, the Cueca ► National Dance, the Cueca.
Crafts ► Crafts.
Crafts ► Crafts.
Artisan ► Artisan.

Address: María Luisa Santander #537. Santiago, Chile - Phone: (56-2) 894 72 98 - Mail: