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City Tour

Valparaíso Flat

Valparaíso flat includes from the sea shore up to the bottom of the hills. The city has three big areas, knowing them will help to organize trips around the town.

The Almond Grove Area

Begins in "Victoria" Square and finishes in "Argentina" Avenue. Its name comes from Almond groves that grew all over the place. The most important activities, historical and cultural attractions are:

National Congress

National Congress

It is the seat of the Chilean Parliament, the house of the legislative power, with senators and deputies.

It was moved to Valparaíso in 1990 from Santiago with he intention of decentralizing power. During many years it was closed by Augusto Pinochet dictatorship.

Three Chilean architects built the Congress that is located in the corner of "Pedro Montt" Avenue and Argentina Avenue. The building has two important structures. One called Tower and the other "La Placa". All sides have entrances but only the south entrance is open to the public. You need your identification card to go in, and it is free.

Cardonal Market

Cardonal Market

It is in the block form Yungay, Brasil, Rawson Streets and Uruguay Avenues. This old construction is from 1907. A characteristic of the "Cardonal" Market is the architecture, the variety of products and the colourfull stores.




Valparaíso Cathedral

Valparaiso Cathedral

It is the biggest church in the city, located in Edwards Street, between "Pedro Montt" and "Chacabuco" Street. A very old building that has been rebuilt several times.

This church was designed in 1917, but finished many years later. It contains pictures of famous artists and images with historic value, such as the ivory Christ.

Mrs. "Juana Ross de Edwards" was the church benefactor.




Municipal Theatre

Located in the corner of "Pedro Montt" Avenue and Uruguay Street. Diverse artistic events like plays, musicals concerts and pictorial exhibitions can be seen.

Barón Pier

Situated at the intersection of Errazuriz, Argentina and España Avenues.

This is one of the most beautiful places in Valparaíso. It was built at the beginning of the 1920´s decade. In the Pier historic monuments like old sheds of train "Maestranza" and the old "Tornameza" of the railroad in "Barón" Station can be found. Nowadays, the station has been rebuilt and the area declared as "Typical Zone".

O’Higgins Square

In Valparaíso O’Higgins Square is one of the most important places to rest and meet. From it you can access the National Congress and the Municipal Theatre. This square has wide green areas and footpaths.

During the week different activities occur, but the most important is on Sunday, the antiques fair "La Merced". Here you can buy books, old objects, and many different things. This square was inaugurated on February 12th 1966.

The square bears its name for the independence hero Bernardo O’Higgins and has a monument dedicated to him.

Victoria Square

The name of this square first was "Orrego", but later named Victoria, after the victory of Yungay battle in 1839.

In the XVIII century, this area was a beach, later when the bullfights were very popular, it changed into a Bullring. Finally, when these practices were prohibited, people continued meeting in this place, and with years the square took an important roll as a social centre.

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Cardonal Market, Crab Sale ► Cardonal Market, Crab Sale.
Street view of Valparaíso ► Street view of Valparaíso.
Municipal Theatre ► Municipal Theatre.
Barón Pier ► Barón Pier.
Victoria Square ► Victoria Square.

Address: María Luisa Santander #537. Santiago, Chile - Phone: (56-2) 894 72 98 - Mail: