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City Tour

Port District

It has an important historical and cultural value, the area from "Sotomayor" Square to "Aduana" Square has been called Humanity Heritage Place ("Patrimonio de la Humanidad") by UNESCO. This traditional area of the city was the place were the first houses, shops, churches and the Port was built.

Sotomayor Square

Sotomayor Square

This is the heart of the city. This square is surrounded by the former Government House "Intendencia", now used as the Regional Naval Headquarters, the Firemen's General Command, and the National Council of Culture and Arts. Opposite is the monument to the Heroes of Iquique Naval Comb that is commemorate on May 21st.



Echaurren Square

This square was named after the Intendant Francisco Echaurren, it has an historic and cultural value.

Prat Pier

The buildings of "La Capitanía de Puerto" and "Aduana" (Custom House) form he entrance to the Pier.

It is an important touristic area were visitors can enjoy during day and night ship movements and marine activities. Launches run trips around harbor from "Muelle Prat", to "Playa Las Torpederas" and to Viña del Mar, other boats are hire for fishing.

There are handicraft shops and the restaurant "Bote Salvavidas". At the Pier there is a copy of Caravel "Santiaguillo", a ship that traveled from "El Callao" to supply Diego de Almagro's expedition.

The Port

The Port

It is the main attraction in Valparaíso located in front of "Prat" Pier.

It was built over a stones and sand hill with concrete. There is a dam, the function of this is repairs and gives service to the ships.

Port Market

This famous Market is located between "Blanco" and "Cochrane" Street, near the "ex Aduana" Building and next to the "Echaurren" Square. Here you can find vegetables, fruits and small restaurants called "Cocinerías" with delicious seafood.

The "Matriz del Salvador" Church

The Matriz del Salvador Church

Located between "Matriz" and "Santo Domingo" Streets. Its was the first church in the city.

The first stone was put in 1559, when the ships arrived next to the church. Then the area was earned to the sea and finally it ended being in the middle of the city surrounded by small streets. It receives a big affluence of tourists for its historical interest. The church was built five times, always in the same place, it survived the sequences of pirates, tempests and earthquakes. The last reconstruction was in 1837. In the church is the "Cristo de la Agonía" (Christ of Agony). In 1971 it was declared historical monument and now it is part of the Humanity Heritage Area.

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Monument to Heroes of the Naval Battle of Iquique ► Monument to Heroes of the Naval Battle of Iquique.
Port Crane ► Port Crane.
Port Market ► Port Market.
The Matriz del Salvador Church ► The Matriz del Salvador Church.

Address: María Luisa Santander #537. Santiago, Chile - Phone: (56-2) 894 72 98 - Mail: