
The Fraile Sky centre

Ski centre and volcano Osorno

This Centre is located 29 kilometers from Coyhaique City, with an altitude of 1.600 meters above the sea level. Here there are 5 tracks with exceptional characteristics, covered with dust snow and located inside the majestic forest of Ñirres, Pinos and Lengas, and their difficulty levels change from easy, medium, difficult and expert. The skiing surface has 550 hectares. It is possible to practice ski and snowboard, more than 1.500 people at the same time per hour.


  • Equipment Rental
  • Ski School
  • Coffee Shop
  • Patrols
  • Ski Workshop
Tracks Information
Track Name Level Slope Long
1 Escuela Beginners 8 degres 600 meters
2 Los Huemules Novices 14 degres 600 meters
3 Los Aguiluchos Intermediate 23 degres 1.800 meters
4 Los Pumas Intermediate 28 grados 1.800 meters
5 Los Cóndores Experts 35 degres 2.200 meters


Go from Coyhaique are 12 kilometers of pavement route and then 17 kilometers of debris. Also you can go by plane from Santiago to Coyhaique.

Valle Nevado

La Parva

La Parva

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