North Coast

Valparaiso Region has many cities and beaches, especially in the north coast.

This area goes from the Mouth of the Aconcagua River (town of Concon) until Papudo Beach.


costa norte Concón

The name Concon is said to have two origins: first, because in the area can be found class of owl called Concon. Second, in Mapudungun, (from aborigine language) "co" means water and "conn" means come in.

Local aborigines were astonished with the amount of water in the river and sea, for that reason they called the place "co-co". When Spanish arrived here they change the name and called the place "con-con".

During Federico Errazuriz Echaurren's government, in 1899, Concon was included as part of Viña del Mar City, only in 1996 it was created the County of Concon, and the citizen could choose their own authorities.

Principals Attractions

Yellow Beach

costa norte Playa Amarilla

This beach is located south of Aconcagua River. This is a white and sandy beach with very calm water. The place has many Hotels, Restaurants and Shops to around.

Following Yellow Beach, going north, you can find Black Beach, good for swimming and relaxing.

There are other beaches like Los Lilenes, La Boca, Mancilla and Bahamas Beach.

Historical and archeological Museum of Concon

This Museum is located in Magallanes Avenue. The Museum keeps many representative things of the area in a well preserved building.

Nuestra Señora de Las Mercedes Church

It is situated in Maroto Avenue corner 8 Street. This was built in 1933 by order of Mercedes Aspillaga wife of Ricardo Edwards.

This Church has a colonial style.

The Marsh Mouth of Aconcagua River

This is an especial area of great natural value. It is the only one in Central Chile. In this place is possible to see different birds, some coming from as far as North America. In this area birds feed, nest and rest before leaving for their original places.

Dunes Field

(Sanctuary of Nature)

Dunes are the result of sand accumulation due to the action of wind blowing from the sea to the continent.

In Valparaiso Region some old dunes have been occupied for urban development, while in other places (Ritoque, north of Aconcagua River) they are in a dynamic transformation.

In 1993 this dunes field were declared a Sanctuary of Nature.

Nowadays, dunes are in danger, because they are seen as sites for urban expansion.

Yacht Club Higuerillas

This is an important tourist place, inaugurated in 1955 when a group of lovers of navigation met and founded this club. It is located in Borgoño Avenue.

Monument to the Concon Battle

This is a copy of original Monument of Concon Battle, made by Victoria Subercaseaux.

This battle took place on 21st August 1891, during Balmaceda Revolution (President Balmaceda died during 1891 social struggle call the Balmaceda Revolution).

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costa norte Maitencillo

Maitencillo is a small and quiet town. It is located 57 kilometres north of Viña del Mar. This is a beautiful place with quite beaches and a well development of handicraft manufactures. It has white sand and it is surrounded by forest of Pine and Eucalyptus.

Some of beaches here are: Abanico, Pocitos, Playa Grande, and the best known Aguas Blancas. In Maitencillo is possible to practice surf, body board and paragliding.

costa norte Maitencillo

The main Restaurants are: "La Tasca de Altamar" located in 3600 Del Mar Avenue, "La Caracola" in 1078 Del Mar Avenue and the Restaurant-Bar "La Canasta" in 592 Del Mar Avenue

North of Maitencillo is found La Laguna Beach, a small village, for resting and spending quiet weekends.