
The Spaniard Alonso Quintero discovered the today known "Quintero Bay" in 1536.

During the colony these lands were the property of Lord Cochrane, a Scotch sailor and army officer to the service of the Chilean Government.

Later on, Luis Cousiño supported many constructions by himself, especially the Port and beach.

This is a beach city (Resort). Profusely visited during the summer.

This city has 6 beaches, which are: El Durazno, Las Conchitas, Albatros, El Manzano, El Caleuche and Ritoque, the last one is the best known. The Faculty of Architecture of Valparaiso Catholic University support "La Ciudad Abierta" (a place where students of Architecture build houses and other constructions as part of their academic training).

costa norte Quintero

Also this beach is good for practicing surf and other nautical sports. In this place is located Yacht Club, where it is possible to rent boats.

In the middle of Quintero Bay are situated Loncura and Ventanas cove, the last one is a small village of fishermen, located north of Quintero. At the south west of Quintero bay is located La Cruz Hill. This is a beautiful belvedere, of over 175 meters height, where it is possible to you see the Ritoque Dunes, Valparaiso, Viña del Mar and several other places.


costa norte Horcón


This is a small cove surrounded by forest hillsides. It is located 40 kilometres north of Viña del Mar and 184 kilometres northwest of Santiago.

In the beginning Changos (aborigines) settled in Horcon, leaving several remains that can still be found in the area.

At present this is the favourite place for hippies and artists, to rest and have a quiet environment to gather.

costa norte Horcón

West of Horcon is found Cau-Cau Beach, this is the most beautiful beach, famous for having white and clean sand, and a beautiful landscape.

Other beaches around are El Tebo, Larga and Quilliruca.

up before next


costa norte Cachagua

This is a very well known village and beach located 64 kilometres north of Viña del Mar. Cachagua means place of ducks in "mapudungun".

It is a nice place for walking, horse riding, fishing and relaxing.

North of Cachagua, Las Cujas Beach is a good alternative for bathing.

Right in front of Cachagua is located the Natural Monument "Cachagua Island", also known as the Penguin Island, due to the large number of Humboldt penguins and sea otters that can be seen in the island.